Honey entremet

Entremet miel

Honey Entremet made with

– a Savoy biscuit,
– a creamy honey insert
– a honey mousse,
– yellow velvet spray,
– and a dark chocolate decoration.


Material used

– MontBlanc 105 Silikomart mould

– Silikomart small oven mould 15 cavities

– Baking tray

– Ancel 210 Bloom gelatine (gold quality)

– Yellow velvet spray


Honey cream
✔1 egg yolk
✔6g caster sugar
✔30g honey
✔50g single cream 30-35% fat content
✔1g gelatine

Savoy biscuit
✔2 eggs
✔45g sugar
✔40 g flour
✔16 g cornflour
✔Some slivered almonds

Honey mousse
✔40g single cream
✔2g gelatine
✔55g white chocolate
✔110g single cream (30% minimum fat)
✔35g honey

+Yellow velvet spray

The recipe

For 4 entremets

Honey cream
✔1 egg yolk
✔6g caster sugar
✔30g honey
✔50g single cream 30-35% fat content
✔1g gelatine

Hydrate the gelatine in cold water until soft. In a bowl, mix the egg yolk, honey and sugar. Heat the cream in a saucepan. Pour over the yolk-sugar mixture and stir with a whisk.

Return the mixture to the same saucepan and cook until it reaches a temperature of 82ºC. Transfer the cream to a clean bowl and add the gelatine. Mix well and leave to cool. Fill 4 cavities in the Silikomart petits fours insert mould and place in the freezer for at least 3-4 hours.

Entremet miel

Savoy biscuit
✔2 eggs
✔45 g sugar
✔40 g flour
✔16 g cornflour
✔Some slivered almonds

Separate the yolks and whites in two mixing bowls. Whisk the yolks and sugar for 5 minutes until the mixture turns white. Sift in the flour and cornflour. Beat the egg whites with an electric mixer. Fold a small amount of the egg whites into the yolks to loosen the mixture, then fold in the remaining egg whites, mixing gently with a spatula. Spread the pastry onto a baking tray lined with baking paper. Smooth with an angled spatula. Sprinkle with a few flaked almonds. Place in the oven at 180°C until the biscuit starts to colour. Leave to cool, then cut out with a cookie cutter to fit the diameter of your tin.

Entremet miel
Entremet miel
Entremet miel
Entremet miel

Honey mousse
✔40g single cream
✔2g gelatine
✔55g white chocolate
✔110g single cream (30% minimum fat)
✔35g honey

Hydrate the gelatine leaf in cold water until it softens. In a saucepan, bring the 40g cream to the boil. Turn off the heat, add the gelatine and stir to dissolve. Pour the hot cream over the melted chocolate and mix well. Add the honey, stir and set aside.
Using an electric mixer, whip the cold cream. Gently add it to the previous mixture when it is around 30°C. Assemble quickly.


Pour the honey mousse halfway up the sides of your Silikomart mould. Add the insert. Top up with a little honey mousse and finish with the Savoy biscuit. Place in the freezer overnight.

Entremet miel
Entremet miel
Entremet miel

The next day, unmould the desserts and immediately apply the yellow velvet spray. Chill for at least 4 hours while defrosting.

Entremet miel
Entremet miel
Entremet miel

I made the decorations in dark chocolate.

Entremet miel